Man, I haven't updated this in months. But I recently joined this hacker space thing and figured I should work on something while I'm there, so, here we are! Anyways, my partner made me a custom Decorable DS case for my birthday, it's so awesome! We've been talking about making another game one day, this time a smaller scope. Love Decorable, but it wasn't exactly a reasonable scope for a first game. Maybe we could do a game jam or two down the road? I think I'll leave off the post here, it's difficult for me to know what to talk about on these posts, especially because there hasn't been that much happening in my life that won't doxx me. I'll try to update this website as I have more ideas, we'll see what happens! Bye for now~
Front of the case
Back of the case
Neighborhood Cats
Happy Vriska day! I've been going on a lot of walks lately in a neighborhood I moved into kinda recently. The weather is nice and there are some cool houses, but the best thing are the outdoor cats that I sometimes find! I used to go on walks just to touch some grass, but now I mostly do it to scout some cute cats :3 So far all of the cats I've seen have been very nice, and I can't wait to find some more! These photos below were all taken within a couple months of each other, not on the same walk (but I wish there were that many cats roaming around!).
The first cats I took a picture of were these two stoic guys sitting on a staircase. They appreciated some pets, but mainly sat there mogging us >:3
After a month passed, I went on another walk and saw this long-haired dude. He was probably the softest cat ever :D but as soon as I knelt down to pet him he started flopping and rolling on the ground, getting lots of debris in his fur, hehe. I gave him a good brush before I went on my way.
On another walk with my partner (specifically to scope out cats), we saw this tuxedo who was missing their left ear. He was funny because he would walk by us for a quick pet, then sit a few steps away only to come swinging back around a few seconds later for another petting.
Finally, the friendliest cat I've ever met! I saw a cat sleeping on an apartment staircase, so at first I wasn't going to pet her. But then she woke up and meowed at me, so I started petting her. Almost immediately she climbed up onto my lap and started purring. It made me so happy ^_^ Definitely need to go back and say hi again soon!
Anyways, all this cat prowling has been making me really, really want a cat. I want my own little guy to play with!!! Until next time, bye bye 👋
Two of them
Two of them
This one flopped over as soon as I started petting him :3
A friendly one who loved drive-by pets
This is Stella who was the sweetest!
My First Blog Post
Hey, this is my first blog post! This is more of a placeholder than anything, but I'll talk a bit about my future plans for the site. I'll be figuring out theming and styling more as time goes on, as I think it's not quite there. I'd like to find a different font for the navbar as well as normal text on the page. Also I'll be looking for more helpful tools in the Resources page!
As for the Projects page, I have a number of big to small thingies that I've done over the years that I'll be uploading one-by-one. I plan on having a dedicated page for each project, aside from the overview that's visible now. Of course, I'll be updating the Games and Music page as I discover more, but for the most part they're basically complete.
I think that's it! Anyways, enjoy this photo I took of a Portland MAX train in Washington Park Station. It's so hard to get decent pictures of moving trains on my phone >_<